
Healthy Eating Tips to Help You Lose Weight

Losing weight isn’t all about exercise and it certainly has nothing to do with fad diets or pills. In fact, the first step toward losing weight is taking a good look at your eating habits, which most likely are anything but healthy. By integrating even just a few healthy eating tips into your daily diet, you can start losing weight, feeling more energized and even notice an improvement in your overall mood. Better yet, healthy eating tips do not require you to spend extra money in order to get all of the great benefits of a healthy meal plan.

If you are having trouble with healthy recipes, here is a great blog by Brittany Mullins with some good stuff.


Healthy Eating Tips Start with Cooking Light

Heavy, greasy and over-fattening foods are not part of a healthy diet. Though fatty and oily foods can be eaten in moderation, most of us are guilty of expanding that moderation to the extreme. Believe it or not, junk food items will cost you more in the long run than purchasing fresh, wholesome ingredients. At first glance, frozen foods, processed ingredients and junk food items all look as though they cost less, but the reality is you eat more. Therefore, you purchase and replace more often than you would fresh, whole ingredients – and this adds up over time.


Healthy Eating Tips is Not Just Eating

Though you are what you eat, there is more to healthy eating tips than just food – what you drink counts as well. Switching to water is not only healthier, it helps you save money on your monthly grocery bill over sodas and over-sugared drinks. If you are spending the money on bottled water, keep in mind that bottled water companies get their water from municipal water just like your tap. You can save money by using a purifying filtered pitcher or attachment on your tap, which costs about $7 to $10 and gives you clean, fresh water for up to three months.


Healthy Eating Tips Starts with Protein

Protein is very important in a healthy eating diet. Eggs are a great source of protein, vitamins and are very low in price, which makes them a great breakfast item for low-budget healthy eating tips. When people hear of protein, they often instantly think of meat and with that comes the belief that you have to avoid all meats that have marbling or excess fat in them. This is, however, untrue. Fattier cuts of meat are not only more tender and easy to work with, but the fat in meat doesn’t make you fat – calories do. Furthermore, the fats in meat contain essential nutrients like Omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids.


Keeping a Food Diary

Another important part of healthy eating tips is starting out with a food diary. In order to know just how bad your eating habits are, you need to know what it is you are eating. Keeping a food diary gives you the opportunity to track what you eat, how many calories it has and how many servings you ate of it. You might be surprised how far over the “serving recommendation” you go.


Start keeping a food diary for yourself, focusing on:


  • The item you eat
  • What meal the item was eaten in
  • Total calories, fat, nutrients, etc. in the items
  • How much you ate of that item

Related Posts:
A. What Makes the Shakeology Price
B. Can You Actually Target Fat Loss?
C. What Foods Burn Belly Fat
D. Lighten Up | Tips to Start Cooking Light

What Makes The Shakeology Price

Why Is The Shakeology® Price Set At $119 Per Month

It is easy to be skeptical on why the Shakeology® price is $119 for a 30 day supply. In fact, any shake that is over $75 dollars a month is something to really look into. You can get way cheaper meal replacements from GNC or any other health store, but don’t forget that in today’s world, you get what you pay for.

First, we need to realize that each person has a specific goal in mind that is not the same as any one person. For someone who just needs to replace a meal at work for cheap with no reason other than just to put something in their body, there are many low to mid shakes you can choose from at your local health foor store.

Here is a Shakeology® video for more information on the ingredients and where they come from

However, if you are needing very specific guidelines as far as the quality of the ingredients, this is where you need to be picky about which meal replacement you choose.

Shakeology® provides you with over 70 natural earth grown ingredients in one serving. In that, there are about 30 superfoods. All the ingredients included into the shake are chemical free and never GMO’d.

To match one serving of Shakeology® with a normal portion of food you buy, you would have to purchase about $45 worth of fruits and vegetables to get the same vitamins and nutrients in one glass of Shakeology®. My guess is that would be way too inconvenient and too pricy.

Where To Buy Shakeology® In Stores Today

Shakeology is sold exclusively through Beachbody and their independent business partners they call “Coaches”. Coaches are provided with an already designed and setup independent online shop where they can refer customers to purchase it conveniently from anywhere in the United States. Beachbody plans to expand into Canada and many more countries starting in 2012. Shakeology® sales increased 140% in 2011 and surpasses over $1 million per week. It is projected to do between $100-$200 million in 2012.

Make Your Own Decision Regarding The Shakeology® Price

I have been taking the this now for over 11 months straight. I have lost 25 lbs and gained lean muscle while it keeps me energized to stay up with my 3 boys in all the sports they are involed with. My 65 years young parents also have been taking it for about 12 months and they have been able to reduce their blood sugar levels from 135 to 95, with a possibility of getting off their medication if they really wanted to.

The ingredients that Darin Olien travels the world for and formulates are like no other. If you are looking for more than just a standard meal replacement, consider the best ingredients the earth has made for the human body. You can spend $4 on a fast food meal each day, or you could invest it in a healthy meal to improve your regularity. In the end, we end up where our minds take us. If you can’t afford the Shakeology® price of $119, click here to see how you can get it for $89.

Related Posts:
Does Shakeology Work
Get Your Shake On

Can You Actually Target Fat Loss?

Can You Target Fat Loss?

There are tons of commercials out there today that come up with a great marketing strategies to engage you to believe that their is good reason to take this and take that. With all the gadgets and wonder drinks out there, one has to think whether it is true if you can target specific areas on your body to lose weight. So, can you target fat loss?

The answer is plain and simply, no.

People gain weight in different areas. Some gain weight quickly on their face, and some get it right below their waste just to name a few of the most common areas.

The best way to lose weight in those trouble spots are to eat right. You must have a balanced diet and you must be consistent.

There are also some foods that you may allergic to and may keep you from dropping pounds. For this, you will have to consult your doctor to find out what foods you are allergic to and are causing your body to gain weight and bloat often.

Muscles Burn Fat | Can You Target Fat Loss

You can do all the lunges, sit ups, squats that you can physically do, but at the end of the day, if your eating plan is up and down, you will see the pounds stay or even stack up.

Here is another great article on Targeting Fat loss Myths

If you are looking to get that tight core, you are going to have to get rid of the extra weight that is covering up the muscles there. I don’t care how many crunches you do, nothing will change without proper nutrition. I have a lot of friends that have strong cores but they look like they stuffed a pillow under their shirt.

On the flip side, you can target muscle gains. Building muscle will speed up the fat burning process in your body because muscle burns fat, even in your sleep. I think a lot people know that. Unfortunately, our bodies weren’t made the same for targeting fat loss. That is, if you want to do it naturally and the healthy way in which I always encourage you to do so. If you have to have surgery or any kind of medical operation to do something you can naturally do, you are cheating yourself. How? The change needs to be mentally correct. If you are given things in life for free, you don’t learn the lesson that it takes to enjoy it for a lifetime. Do thing naturally, and they stay around longer because of the education and experience you gain from the process.

Best Fat Burning Diet Plan

So to sum it up, the best fat burning diet plan is consistent balanced nutrition. No matter where you are wanting to lose the weight, it all starts and stays effective with a continuous proper diet. This is 80% of what your results are at the end. Exercise is the other 20%. Don’t let those enticing ads that promise you the perfect 6 pack or the nice toned thighs by getting this gadget or that pill take your money. You will learn the long and hard way.

So when the question arises in your mind again and you want to find the quick answer on can you target fat loss, just know that you can target muscle gains which will make that area look better, but only after you also lose the extra weight covering it with consistent proper nutrition only.

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Foods That Burn Belly Fat
Build Lean Muscle Through Diet And Exercise

Family Fitness Brings A Family Together

Family Fitness

Many people ask me how I get to maintain such a tight relationship with my wife and kids while staying busy with my health and fitness business and all the other things I do. I never have really thought about it or planned it in a certain way, but when people ask me that question, I realize that some people don’t have that luxury.

I can honestly say that it is easy. I just include them with everything I do. When I am working out, they do it with me. It’s one of the benefits of working out at home. This allows the whole family to be involved. Even though they don’t actually workout with you at times, seeing me exercise sets a great example of a healthy lifestyle to my kids.

Watch My Kids Workout Here

Living A Lifestyle of Fitness

Beachbody fitness is not a one time thing. It is a lifestyle thing. It is something we do on a daily basis, not just when we need to lose weight or look good for a special occassion. It is being able to choose the right foods to feed our body and being consistent before it’s too late.

My kids lead a healthy lifestyle themselves because they are educated on what bad foods do to a human body. It is all just educating them and showing by example that leads them to make their own healthy decisions in life. I don’t have to talk them into eating this instead of that. As a matter of fact, they get on my tail on days that I have a sweet tooth.

Sometimes I’ll see them doing p90x or Insanity workout moves and it makes me feel good because they make it part of their lives without me needing to ask them to. Kids do what daddy and mommy do, not necessarily what we say most of the time. Parents can agree with me on that I’m sure. Parents learn a lot from their kids.

Fitness Works

So all in all, fitness works in mysterious ways. Not just for your body, but for your whole family’s well being. It is something that trickles all the way down generations if done properly. Lead by example, and you won’t have to beg your children to eat healthy most of the time. Just educate them on why you eat healthy and why you don’t eat bad food all the time. Kids don’t want bad things in their lives at a young age, and if you start them young, they will grow to keep that in mind.

Other Family Fitness Blogs:

How to Become a Beachbody Coach and Start Your Own Business Today

If you are like most fitness enthusiasts, you have looked into how to become a Beachbody coach. What you are curious about though is whether or not a Beachbody business will actually make you money. Before you sign up for your own Beachbody coaching gig, learn the facts about how the Beachbody coaching program works and whether or not it is a lucrative option for you.


How to Become a Beachbody Coach | Why Do People Coach?

Most Beachbody coaches coach for themselves, not the money. They believe in the Beachbody products and method and therefore want to get others just as inspired about the program. Those who own a Beachbody business also use that business as their inspiration for keeping up with their own health and their own workout programs. If you are looking into how to become a Beachbody coach, ask yourself this: Are you doing it for you?


Requirements for How to Become a Beachbody Coach

Before starting your own Beachbody business, there are a few job requirements in order to join the team. In order to start your own Beachbody coaching program, you need to be at least 18 years of age. Beachbody does require that you live in the United States; however this rule will be changing soon. The most important requirement for how to become a Beachbody coach requires you to have a desire, want and need to be healthy, be fit and share that inspiration with others to promote their health and wellness as well.


How to Become a Beachbody Coach | Step by Step

The steps to starting your own Beachbody business are a lot simpler than you think. You don’t need overhead, you won’t need a heavy inventory and all you need is the ability to sign up and edit your own website that is already created for you.


In order to become a Beachbody coach, you will need to fill out the Beachbody Coaching Application. This form consists of basic information including your age, address, name, etc. You will need to mention any references you have as well as read through the “Terms and Conditions”. It is important you read the “Terms and Conditions” before you start the coaching process so that you understand what you are signing up for.


Shortly you will be contacted by your Beachbody coaching representative who will help you get your business set up. From there you will need to touch up your own site and put your own name and bio about yourself so you can brand your page, market yourself and start earning as people purchase from your online shop.


When you look for information on how to become a Beachbody coach, remember the most important thing: you need to be passionate about health and fitness. If you do not use Beachbody products or have a passion for fitness and health you will not be as successful as the Beachbody coaches that are.

More on the Coaching Opportunity

Related Posts:
A. Best Way to Boost Metabolism
B. Build Lean Muscle through Diet and Exercise
C. Beachbody Coach Scam | Fact or Fiction
D. Beachbody Challenge Packs

Beachbody Challenge Packs | A Complete Fitness Solution

Why Should I Join The Beachbody Challenge?

The Beachbody Challenge puts all the pieces of the puzzle together once and for all to finally reach your ultimate fitness goals.

Maybe in the past you have had no problems working out but lacked the nutrition discipline. Maybe you needed the support and accountability to make it through all the way and it just wasn’t there. Let’s put the failures to rest and get you on the track to being the best “you” today.

Before you do anything, you should know that I am not in the business of selling programs. Instead, I am in the business of helping people achieve their goals and living healthy and fulfilling lives and I will do anything it takes as long as you are committed to yourself as well. That’s It, Period!

You Must Have a Strong Purpose To Transform Your Body

Who Is Tony Banawa

Tony banawa transformation

The first thing you would need to do is “Define your WHY”
If you don’t know why you are doing this in the first place and it isn’t important to you. Stop now and come back when you have had the time to realize your purpose to transforming your body. Or maybe I can help you get started….

……..My “Why” when starting my first round of P90X last year was to improve my health so I could live longer and do more things comfortably with my family. I knew that if I kept on going the road I was living, I would end up getting sick and obtaining natural diseases that happen when you eat malnutrition. I also knew that being overweight and unhealthy in the long term would effect my attitude towards people around me and possibly effect my job and future. I told myself that if I didn’t make the change for myself, no one was going to do it for me. I could choose the short life, or the long life where I can set a healthy example and be there for my kids when they grow up and make their own life for themselves.

That “WHY” was so important to me that I wouldn’t skip on a day without exercise and proper nutrition if my life depended on it.
Truthfully, my life did depend on it.


Weight Loss challenge

Of course we are not perfect, we are not even “perf”, that means half perfect. You don’t have to be perfect throughout your transformation to have real results. You just have to do your best everyday. If you miss a workout or have a sweet tooth and have to eat a sweet candy here and there, so what. Move on and do your best still. Just don’t “quit” or you are guaranteed to fail and officially be called a quitter from the people who doubted you in the first place. Who wants your doubters to be proven right? Not happening.

Next Step: Know The Plan

Now That we have got that out of the way and you are still here reading this, we can get to the details of What the Challenge is and what the investment in yourself will be. But don’t forget to Define Your Why before you get started.

Beachbody Challenge is Fitness + Nutrition + Support all in one package. There are three levels of challenge packs that you can get to set yourself up with everything you need. The price difference is determined by the fitness program you choose. Each fitness program is designed to help you reach specific goals.

For example, if you want a total body transformation by losing weight, putting on muscle and getting healthy on the inside in the process, then programs like P90X, Les Mills Pump, and Power 90 will be your choice. If your goal is majority to lose the weight and increase you energy and health inside, then programs likeSlim in 6, Insanity, Chalene Extreme would be your choices.

Download Pro Trainer and Beachbody Program Details(PDF File)

Here are the Challenge Packs available

How to lose 10 pounds

Nutrition Plans For Weight Loss | Beachbody Challenge

With The Beachbody Challenge packs, you not only have the nutrition guide that comes with your fitness program, but you also have the following:

1) Meal Planner – Watch this video on how it works. You will never have to ask anyone again what you should eat.

2) Michi’s Ladder – This breaks down the healthy Proteins, Carbs, and Fats in tier levels. You will know which are better in each category for you meal. No longer have to ask someone what fats are healthy and which aren’t.

3) 200,000 other active members that you can ask 24/7 in your online community provided with the challenge packs.

By having the nutrition plans for weight loss, getting ripped, or gaining weight, you don’t have to be or hire an expert to reach your goals. The pro trainers have put it all together for you.


Note: All Challenge Packs come with:

1) A fitness Program
2) Your first 30 day supply of Shakeology Home Direct
3) Free 30 Day trail to the Team Beachbody Club VIP membership
4) Free Shipping
5) Free Coach Sign Up (Only If You Choose To Sign Up As A Coach, then select the challenge pack upon completing your coach sign up when it prompts you. Coach is same cost as a customer sign up, but a coach gets 25% off all future purchases)


Keep in mind that you have nothing to lose but everything positive to gain. Here is what you have the chance to win throughout your journey:

$500 daily winners
$1000 monthly winners
$5000 quarterly winners (plus a paid trip)
$100,000 grand prize

Ready To Make That Change? You know what it takes to Change Your Life, Let’s do It Together, and take the first step to improving your health, happiness, and life all around.

Join Thousands with the same goal in mind and have fun:

Beachbody Challenge

Nutrition Plans For Weight Loss

Beachbody Challenge


Does Shakeology Work? Get the Most from Your Shakeology Plan

Beachbody has released its newest solution to a healthier lifestyle and losing weight: Shakeology. With over 70 plus high-quality Shakeology ingredients, there is a lot of buzz about whether or not Shakeology succeeds with its promises for losing weight and keeping the weight off. So, does Shakeology work?


Does Shakeology Work? The Concept

You have most likely seen reviews from users and workout professionals giving Shakeology the “thumbs up” in terms of a quality product, but is that enough to convince you to pay $4 per day to try it out? Most likely not. The good news is, however, those who ask “does Shakeology work?” often find that even physicians are backing up the claims that Shakeology gets the job done. Shakeology has been proven effective at boosting metabolism, increasing your body’s supply of antioxidants, fighting off free radicals and giving you more energy to shed the pounds and keep them off for good.


Does Shakeology Work? The Shakeology Ingredients

Most experts answer this question with “What’s not in Shakeology?” Why is that? Because Shakeology ingredients contain over 70 high-quality vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to help your body feel healthier and lose weight. Shakeology ingredients include:


  • Essential Amino Acids and Proteins
  • Digestive Enzymes
  • Prebiotics
  • Antioxidants
  • Phytonutrients
  • Vitamins and Minerals
  • Zero refined sugars
  • Zero artificial sweeteners
  • Zero artificial flavors and/or dyes
  • Gluten-free products
  • Zero caffeine


In fact, just one serving of Shakeology only contains 150 calories! That’s right. For 150 calories your body gets over 70 nutrients, vitamins and minerals and even just 1 gram of fat. In order to get the same nutrient equivalency as one dose of Shakeology, your body would need:


  • A bowl of exotic fruit
  • 4 cups of broccoli (raw)
  • 7 carrots
  • 10 cups cauliflower (raw)
  • 3 cups romaine
  • 4 cups mushrooms (raw)
  • 3 onions whole (raw)
  • 1 cup of fresh peas
  • 4 cups radishes
  • 4 cups non-fat yogurt product
  • 1 shot of wheat grass


…daily! With the average grocery prices this would cost a person easily $50, while one Shakeology drink costs $4 per day.


Does Shakeology Work? The New Tropical Shakeology

The newest flavor to hit the shelves for team Shakeology is Tropical Shakeology. This Beachbody shake is 100% vegan. After all, vegans deserve a delicious weight loss supplement too, right? With Tropical Shakeology you get all of the same vitamins, nutrients and benefits of regular Shakeology drinks, but 100% vegan. Enjoy a tantalizing mixture of strawberries, pineapples, coconut, superfoods, bananas and papayas in each Tropical Shakeology serving. You don’t have to be vegan to enjoy the Tropical Shakeology shake either. Non-vegans and vegans alike are enjoying this new fruity concoction as their daily remedy to help them lose weight, feel more energized and retain a healthy body for its great taste more than anything else.

Related Posts:
A. What Foods Burn Belly Fat | Foods You Never Expect
B. Best Fat Burner | Green Tea
C. Cooking Light is Easier than You Think
D. Shakeology: Get Your Shake on With a Healthy, Effective Meal Replacement


Beachbody Coach Scam: Fact or Fiction?

If you are familiar with Beachbody products, then you are most likely familiar with the fact that you can sign up and become a Beachbody coach yourself. With the availability of the Beachbody coach program, rumors have arisen about a Beachbody scam. As a concerned consumer, you want to research and know that anything you invest time and money into is valuable; therefore, it is time to find out whether or not the Beachbody Coach scam is fact or fiction.


Beachbody Coach Scam | What the Program Is

You most likely are already aware of what the Beachbody coaching program is, which is why you are looking into the rumors of the Beachbody scam. However, let’s discuss the overall coaching program in a quick review. Beachbody coaches are individuals who run their own home-based coaching business with the goal of providing health and fitness advice to those who want it.


By using various Beachbody-approved programs, coaches will help people lose weight, get into shape and live happier, healthier lives. Coaches receive commissions on Beachbody fitness products (i.e. P90X, Shakeology and Insanity) that their customers buy.


Is the Beachbody Coach Scam Essentially a Pyramid?

The biggest rumor around the Beachbody scam is that Beachbody is run like a modern-day pyramid scheme. Due to the recent news about pyramid schemes scamming members out of money, the term “pyramid scheme” has been given a bad reputation. The fact of the matter is, however, the most successful business, especially in terms of marketing are run by pyramids and more importantly, pyramids are 100 percent legal.


A pyramid works by one marketer bringing in other marketers directly underneath them to share in the profits. That being said, the marketer at the top does not get paid for each product sold – they only get paid a commission for the new coach brought on board and products that coach sells.


Is the Beachbody Coach Scam True Since It Costs Money?

Most people assume that if a program costs you money, it must be a scam. The bottom line is, any program you sign up for will cost money, but that doesn’t mean the rumors of a Beachbody scam are true. The reason most people assume paying a fee equals scam is because work-from-home or home-based jobs typically are scams, which require upfront fees. The Beachbody Coach program, however, is not like those other bad eggs.


Beachbody does not shy away from telling you that you may not make any money and it is up to you how much or little you make in terms of success. The time, effort and overall work you put into your Beachbody coaching determines if you make a living.


Can You Really Make Money?  The Beachbody Scam Truth

The biggest complaint that has led to rumors of the Beachbody Coach scam is whether or not you can really make a living. As you have already read, it is possible to not make money, but that is only the fault of the coach, not the Beachbody program itself. So can you make a living as a Beachbody coach?


As it was said before, the time and effort you put into your coaching business determines your income. There are some Beachbody coaches that won’t make a living, but there are others who do. While some coaches only make a few hundred dollars each month, others can make several thousand dollars each month. Those who make a higher income are typically those who put in more time, more effort and take all the steps necessary to market them as a Beachbody coach.


So is the Beachbody Coach Scam Fact or Fiction?

It is purely fiction. There are numerous Beachbody coaches out there making plenty of money, however to make it they put in hard work. Unfortunately the term “work from home” makes individuals feel as though they can make thousands of dollars without working. This is untrue and leads to rumors of Beachbody scams simply because in order to make a living, you have to work.


The bottom line is Beachbody is a real program and a real income earner – as long as you are willing to work and earn it. If you want to earn more, Spreadex Platform Review provides insight into a variety of investment options, which can be useful for those looking to diversify their income streams.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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P90X by Tony Banawa

What Foods Burn Belly Fat | Foods You Never Expect

You have started the workout plans and you are eating healthier, but what about that stubborn belly fat? Belly fat burning food is out there and most likely you are already eating those powerful packers that not only help you slender down, but promote a healthier lifestyle all around. Foods that burn belly fat are also nothing expensive and are ingredients you may already have in your pantry ready to use.


Grain Foods that Burn Belly Fat

Believe it or not, avoiding carbohydrates, especially grains are not good while trying to slim down. Oatmeal or oats specifically help boost the body’s metabolism thanks to their high fiber count. A daily serving of oatmeal, the non-sugar filled kind, will help remove bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in the blood.


Anything whole grain is deemed belly fat burning food sources. Instead of processed grains, opt for the whole grain foods that burn belly fat. Just remember that even though something is labeled as “wheat” doesn’t mean it is a whole grain. Make sure the products you substitute with are labeled with “whole grain” products.


Fruits and Vegetable Foods that Burn Belly Fat

Fruits and vegetables do more than provide essential vitamins and nutrients, they are also foods that burn belly fat. Berries are packed with fiber which makes them a top belly fat burning food. Raspberries, for example, pack six grams of fiber per one cup serving. Vegetables, such as broccoli have vitamin A, iron, fiber and calcium – all of which promote faster belly fat burning than other nutrients. The darker and leafier the green, the more fiber it will have. Beware of iceberg lettuce and other vegetables that are simply “fillers” rather than healthy foods.


Dairy Foods that Burn Fat

Most people instantly run from dairy when thinking about what foods burn belly fat, but believe it or not, dairy is essential for not only bone density and oral health, but also losing weight. Low-calorie, but calcium-rich cheeses, like parmesan help activate the natural fat-burning hormones within the body. Calcium, like those found in low-fat yogurts and milk products, helps breakdown fat in the body and helps prevent it from storing.


Beans and Legume Foods that Burn Fat

Beans are chalk full of protein and essential fibers, which make them perfect foods that burn belly fat. Beans are also low-calorie, but avoid bean products such as refried beans which are high in fat. Instead, go for black beans or pinto beans and load on up.


Drinking Your Way to a Slimmer You

People curious about what foods burn belly fat often forget that there are drinks that also burn the fat. Drinking a cup of iced tea each day has been shown to burn up to 200 calories more than a person who doesn’t drink tea. Avoid bottled and premade teas, since these are typically full of processed sugars, dyes and artificial flavoring. Ice tea, especially green tea varieties, boosts the body’s metabolism, making them super foods that burn fat.


Most foods that burn fat are ones you are already eating or have in your pantry ready-to-go now. The more of these belly fat burning foods you integrate into your daily meal, the more likely you are to burn calories with a good exercise routine. Remember, you are what you eat. So eat your way to  a slimmer, healthier you.


Related Posts:
A. Fat Burning Workouts | The Importance of Routines
B. Shakeology | Get Your Shake on With a Healthy, Effective Meal Replacement
C. Cooking Light is Easier Than You Think
D. How to Lose Weight | Healthy Weight Loss

Lighten Up | Tips to Start Cooking Light

Cooking light does not mean zero flavor. In fact, many of your favorite recipes can be prepared lighter through healthy cooking methods without sacrificing any taste. So how do you cut the fat and start cooking lighter for family and friends?


Cooking Light Starts with a Recipe

Before you cook anything, you need to examine the recipe you are dealing with. Though just about any recipe can be transformed into a healthy cooking version, not all recipes are suitable for lighter options. Take a look at each ingredient and see if there are places where you can omit or substitute heavier ingredients for lighter options.


Example: Instead of regular white rice, substitute with brown rice.


Cooking Light Means Eating Lighter

Not only should you focus on how to substitute out or omit ingredients that are not a part of a healthy living, but you should also focus on portion control. Try starting out with a smaller portion than you would typically use for a meal and see if that actually satisfies you before moving on to more. You might be surprised at how much food it takes to fill your stomach – and it’s not very much.


Some Clever Tactics for Cooking Light

Most people turn to healthy cooking in order to lose weight. Therefore, ingredients needed to be monitored, but flavor still needs to be present in order for the meal to be enjoyed. Try a few of these quick and easy tips to transform your recipes into a quick, light alternative:


*Use half the sodium amount recommended within the recipe.

*Instead of regular cheddar, find a flavorful cheese to sprinkle on top of dishes so that you can use less in the end.

*Instead of mixing nuts, cheese or chocolates into batters, sprinkle them on top.

*Use half the sugar recommended for crumb toppings on your favorite desserts.

*Use reduced-fat ingredients wherever possible.

*In recipes that need more than one egg, use an egg substitute or egg whites instead.

*Use citrus to add flavor to veggies instead of sodium.

Look at Canned and Preserved Ingredients

Sometimes a recipe will call for a canned or frozen ingredient. Luckily, more makers of these types of products understand the importance of healthy cooking in order to lose weight and have a healthier body. Therefore, there are options to help you when cooking light, even if it is out of a can.


Rather than buy regular chicken broth, opt for a lower-sodium or no-sodium broth instead. Canned tomatoes and other vegetables can also be found in low-sodium or zero salt varieties to help limit your sodium intake. If working with a product like canned beans, make sure to rinse the beans in a strainer under cool water – this will remove the salt brine from their skins.


Cooking light shouldn’t be a burden. In fact, if you look at it as a fun challenge, you will be surprised at how easy it becomes to turn an ordinary recipe into a healthy cooking game.

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