I’m featuring the Body Beast Back and Biceps workout today. Finishing out week 2, I definitely felt stronger and went up on weights on most of my exercises. On some days I felt weaker on certain exercises that the first week. For example, the one armed rows were tougher this week for me. My right side was weaker than my left side. I guess that happens.
Week 2 Body Beast Back and Biceps
I actually lost a pound on the weight scale but that doesn’t bother me. I am thinking that the last day will tell the true results of my
determination throughout the journey. I know some people get all shook up daily about what the scale says. That could be the least important compared to what you are actually gaining inside yourself mentally and physically. It takes time for your body to change and you must understand and be patient. If not, you could find yourself losing hope and selling yourself short of your goals.
Week 2 Workouts – Body Beast Back and Biceps
The workouts for the first three weeks are the exact same with your rest day coming on every 6th day. The only thing you change are the weights as you get stronger. I started to video most of my workouts so I could show viewers what Body Beast entails. I understand some people like to see if it works before they try it so for that reason, I decided to provide the video footage on my journey and be the guinea pig.
My Focus Moving Forward – Body Beast Back and Biceps
As I go into my 3rd week of Body Beast, my mental state remains focused on proper form and increasing my weights as I am able to do so. Remember, my goal is to gain about 7-10 lbs of muscle so I want to go up in weight as often as I can, as well as keep on eating like a beast. With my body and activity level, I am in need of at least 2800 calories daily. Who knows, I might have to upgrade my Bowflex SelectTech 552 to the heavier set soon:) Hope you enjoyed my Body Beast back and biceps video and review. Stay tuned…
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