Looking for a P90X schedule that’s best for you? You’ve come to the right place. The P90X workout has gone from an idea to the most popular in home lean muscle building and fat loss program today. The system offers three schedules to fit into your workout needs, so whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional you will benefit from P90X. Let’s take a look at how the schedule works for you and how to choose a schedule for your workout needs.
Which P90X Schedule is right for you
There are three different schedules in the P90X program, namely the Classic, which is the most popular in my opinion, Lean and Doubles. Don’t let the word Lean fool you. Just because it is the one mostly done by those who want to burn fat by doing more cardio than resistance training, it is still very intense. The P90X schedule is designed for muscle gain and toning, and the difference with the 3 schedules is the combination of the different workouts in the program to make them effective for what you are trying to achieve.
The Classic P90X Schedule
The Classic routine is set around a basic 3 day resistance training and cardio split, in which cardio will be done on the days you are not doing muscle building. It is based on resistance training that requires free weights, body weight, or resistance bands. This schedule requires a commitment of one hour a day.
Why use the Classic P90X Schedule?
The Classic schedule is used if you want to build muscle while toning up. You will build most of your muscle with this schedule because it is built around a professional circuit. This does not mean that the other two schedules will not work, they simply offer different benefits. I did the Classic and mixed in the doubles schedule starting around my 6th week when I had the time. Here are my results…
The Lean P90X Schedule
The Lean routine is made up of some resistance training, but the main aim of this schedule is to get lean, which means cardio. Here you will have to endure a 4 day week cardio routine with 2 days of resistance training. This routine makes use of things like Tony Horton’s Coresynegistics, Yoga X, Cardio X, and Kenpo X, which all make for a very tough workout. This schedule requires a commitment of one hour a day.
Why use the Lean Schedule?
As this routine makes use of loads of cardio, the main reason for you to make use of this routine is to get lean. You can also use this routine to maintain muscle gains, as the two day resistance training included here are more than sufficient to do so.
The Doubles P90X Schedule
The Doubles schedule is exactly what it sounds like, a doubling up of workout routines. This is the Lean and the Classic schedules built into one routine made to work for you. The other difference with this routine, when compared to the others is that you will have to commit to 2 hours a day. Typically you will split your cardio and resistance training into two routines, one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening. Do not take to this routine lightly. If you are a beginner, be sure to start with one of the other two routines before trying out Doubles.
Why use the Doubles Schedule?
While this routine makes use of the Classis schedule, you will not get the same results. The Doubles routine is set around strength training, which is why there is so much packed into the schedule. The more you work, the more your muscles adapt for strength. There will be some muscle gain, but without the proper rest periods, there is a greater tendency for endurance.
What to do once you have committed to a P90X Schedule
There are a few things that you will have to do once you have committed to one of the workout routines in the P90X program, namely:
- Make sure that you know which workouts are included in the schedule and which workouts you are required to do for the day. Make a note of these on the workout calendar that comes with your purchase
- Your nutrition plays a huge part in losing fat and gaining muscle. Make use of the nutrition guide as much as you can and stay on top of your eating regime using the guide provided. It is best to draw up an eating guide for the full 90 days of workout, before you start training
- Before you start, make sure that you set a time to work out that you can stick to. Take a look at your current lifestyle and set a time that you will use for your workout. If you set the morning aside to workout, always use the morning to work out, it makes working out easier, and ensures that you will not skip a day due to lack of time.
P90X Schedule Summary
Be sure to choose which schedule you are going to commit to with the utmost care. You don’t want to get halfway into a routine only to find that it’s not what you’re looking for. You won’t have the motivation to get through the full 90 days. If you would like me to coach your through the 90 days, make me your free coach below and send me an email about your fitness goals to get started. Every P90X schedule is designed for a specific purpose; be sure to read and understand the literature that comes with your purchase.
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