Planning Ahead Makes Working Out Easier

Have you ever woken up and started your busy day just to find out that it’s bed time and you didn’t have the time to fit in your workout? How does that make you feel knowing that you missed your chest or cardio day? Especially if it’s something you really need to do in life, it feels unproductive when you fail to get it done.

One thing that helps me is planning ahead the day before. Knowing what I have to do the day before allows me to see the day ahead of time and find a time when I can fit in the 4% of my day to workout. Remember it’s a lifestyle, not a temporary diet here at Get Fit To live. Exercise should be a part of your life.

planning your workout

Just like you have to show up for work, you have to show up for exercise. Just like you have to complete certain tasks at work throughout the day, you have to get that properly portioned meal in. I know it’s hard to get that meal in when you are so busy, but once again, if you plan head and prepare your meals to take with you the day before, it makes it much easier. At the end of the day, there are no excuses.

If you truly want to achieve your dreams in life, you must hit your short term goals daily. If you  miss some every now and then, which you will if you are shooting for something worth rewarding, there is always a way to make it up. The most important thing is knowing what you have to do and stay committed to it.

So in summary, plan ahead your meals and workout of the day. Look at your day in advance and find a spot when you could fit in that 1 hour workout routine. You’ll be amazed how productive your life gets when you do this, and how many more workouts you get in when you thought before you were too busy. No one is too busy for a healthy lifestyle.

The old saying, “If you Fail To Plan, You Plan To Fail” couldn’t be more true for living a healthy lifestyle. Let’s get an effective plan going for you. In 3 to 6 months from now, you’ll be glad you did.

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