Preventing Further Obesity In A Dangerous World

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Is there a such thing as preventing obesity? In my opinion, there is only “One ” way to truly lose weight no matter where you start. If losing weight is what you need, then listen up. Most people that need to lose weight try to do so by trying to use a magic sprinkle in their food or take some magic pill. Are you kidding me?

You may or may not be obese today. Either way, we are all equal and the only difference is the decisions we make daily that separate us apart and determine where we end up. Guess what? It’s never too late or too early for preventing obesity and set yourself up to make a decision to make better choices today for a better tomorrow.

Someone once asked me, “What makes you think that if you’re too lazy to exercise, you can actually keep it off after you lose it?” It made me think. At that time, I was overweight and tipping the scales at almost 200 lbs at 5’7″. Not a good proportion especially when it wasn’t healthy weight. What he was trying to tell me was that it’s not about losing the weight, it’s about losing the mind of thinking that got me where I was. Overweight, prone to diseases, tired, depressed, you get the point. It’s all the things you get when you neglect preventing obesity.

preventing obesity
Preventing Obesity is Crucial – What are The Consequences if you Don’t Make a Decision?

According to the National Weight Control Registry, 80% of those people who lose weight eventually gain it back. Only 20% actually keep it off for a period of longer than several months. What is the difference? Teaching yourself the right way of living in the process. That is, proper nutrition and eating habits, exercising to gain strength and burn calories, and have a team to support you, like me and my team of goal minded individuals committed to helping people make that change.

Preventing Obesity First With Realization

A person must learn how to properly take care of their bodies and change their eating habits in the process of losing weight. In addition, exercise is a must! An hour a day is recommended no matter if it is walking, running, or climbing mountains, or swimming. You need to do some sort of exercise to get yourself burning calories.

In preventing obesity, you can remember one thing that will make all the difference. Calories! The very thing that makes you gain weight. Most people eat more calories than they think and then never take the initiative to live an active lifestyle. Salads are one of the foods that can look healthy but contain over 700 calories in one serving. I was watching the show “Extreme Makeover” the weight loss edition a month ago and this lady was on there that was obese. With the help of Chris, the personal Trainer on that show, she lost over 170 pounds and went from obese at over 300 lbs, to losing over half her total weight and living a brand new life.

In this particular night of Extreme Makeover, they showed her eating habits and showed that she actually was sometimes eating up to 4,000 calories in one meal. That meal consisted of a cake, a salad containing over 1,000 calories itself, and some meats and carbs. It was disgusting but she had no idea what she was eating. On top of that, she was a couch potato and didn’t take the initiative to go out and burn calories through exercise. First step in preventing obesity is recognizing what got you there or what is currently getting you there.

Imagine taking in that many calories, and being a lazy bum. It is a recipe for death!

I am here to tell you that if you can change your eating habits and make exercise at least one hour a day part of your life, you too can have a brand new life. I know it’s easier said then done, but that is why I do what I do and help people for free as long as they register for a free account to link up to me in my network. It’s the easiest way for me to stay in constant contact.

I supply eating plans, exercise routines for all fitness levels and keep you accountable through our private support groups until you reach your goal.

You may be asking….do I really need that? Yes! I know because I went through my own journey in changing my life for the better and I can tell you that if it wasn’t for support and guidance of some fortunate people around me, that I might not have made it.


Simple Things To Try In Preventing Obesity

So, back to how to lose weight when you are obese. We went over how changing your eating habits and exercising are vital. So what are some other things that can help one make that change.

Here are a few things that you can do in preventing obesity:

  • Park in the rear of the parking lot and make that walk to the front door of the mall or grocery store. Stop being lazy!
  • Get your rear off the couch and go walking.
  • Stop watching that television. TV makes you lazy to get up and do the things you should be doing
  • When eating your meal, eat your favorite things on the plate first so you don’t have to be forced to get to it last when everything else is gone.
  • Stop looking for someone to do things for you. Get up and do it yourself.
  • Start believing that you were meant to be better and healthier.
  • Believe it is possible to be healthy and strong and live a longer life for you and your loved ones.
  • Realize the road that you are taking is a dead end road
  • Make your family part of your reason to change. They are the one’s that will suffer, not you, if something happens to you.
  • Know that most diseases that come with obesity can be avoided and/or healed if you act now.

Everything worth fighting for in life must come with a reason. That includes preventing obesity. If you don’t have a reason, how can you make a plan, without a plan, how can you hit your goals, and if you don’t hit your goals, how can you ever achieve your dreams? It all starts with setting an important “WHY”. Mine was to live longer for my family and get off the dead end road I was on. Guess what? I got off of it and you can too.

Why do you want to lose weight?

  • To live longer for your family
  • To qualify for your dream job
  • To be able to do more life things on a daily basis
  • To wear the clothes you really want to wear
  • To feel more confident in public or in pictures

Whatever your reason is, it’s worth it to make changes to your diet and daily activity. You need someone to take you from day 1 and show you the way. You also need to make a promise to the people who mean the most to you in life and let them know what you are doing. Keep them updated every week on your progress, let them know that you won’t let them down. If you find that your gym equipment is no longer serving your goals, consider selling gym equipment online.

Why do this? This will keep you accountable. You won’t want to let these people down. Yes, times will get tough and you will feel like quitting sometimes. This is when they will rally behind you and you will start to see people believing in you for the first time in years. Trust me, this is what happened to me and it kept me focused on my goals. Support was one thing that helped me most in my quest in preventing obesity for me.

My Recommended Steps to Preventing Obesity

Here are my 3 recommended steps that will get you on the right track to preventing further obesity.

1. Detox Your Body To prime it up for optimal nutrition and exercise

2. Strengthen your joints and mental focus by taking on a light exercise program. This will get your feet wet and get your body ready for the next level to burn fat.

3. Step it up and continue your fitness with a mix of higher intensity resistance and cardio training plus keeping the proper nutrition in place. To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your exercise equipment, consider looking for cross trainer repair near me.

You will need continued support and a positive community of people around you to make it through. Listen to music and watch movies that will feed you strength and not garbage. Don’t listen to the negative comments around you because they just don’t want you to succeed and prove them wrong.

I love the saying that,”If everybody else ain’t paying the bills, then why should you care about what everybody else is saying?” Mind your own business and stay focused on what “YOU” want. Taking it one day at a time and conditioning yourself mentally and physically will set you free in your journey in preventing obesity.

Beachbody Coach
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P90X by Tony Banawa