Beachbody Ultimate Reset Cleanses Your Body To It’s Teenage Purity

Many body cleansing programs have come before it,  but the Beachbody Ultimate Reset program stands out for a number of reasons. It can be compared to putting a reset button on your body so that all the toxic junk comes out allowing  your body optimal functionality.

The Beachbody program has several unique points. One is that the results are foolproof. Those who have gone through it have regained vitality, energy, improved digestion, better moods and weight loss. The changes can be seen in as little as 7 days to  three weeks of consistently following the program.

It is also different in the way it is implemented. It is all natural without the use of any drugs. There is also no fasting or unhealthy crash diets or strenuous exercise regimes. Rather, it is ensured that the body gets the nutrients that it craves with three wholesome meals daily and an allowance for selected snacks.

Unlike many cleanses today, this is not a colon blaster, meaning that you can work and live your normal life without worrying about being parked by the restroom, or pulling an olympic 100 yd dash sprint to the restroom on a romantic dinner date with a women who demands eye contact. Get the point?

Beachbody Ultimate reset
Raw veggies tray with hummus dip and a Quinoa salad

The Beachbody Ultimate Reset Has 3 Phases

The Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a comprehensive daily program that has everything needed to set the natural balance of the body. It also gets rid of toxins so that every body part and system functions optimally. This is done in three phases.

  • Phase 1  is concerned with reclaiming the correct balance of the body. It can be likened to using soap to loosen dirt so that it can be washed away.
  • Phase 2  has to do with release where toxic substances that are clogging up and slowing down the body are released and removed. This can be compared to a great tide of pure water coming up, pushing out all the dirt and leaving a place thoroughly cleansed.
  • Phase 3  of Beachbody Ultimate Reset has to do with restoration. After thorough cleansing, the system is left clean and the body can carry on with its functions with vitality. There is better absorption of nutrients, faster metabolism and extraction of waste before it accumulates and becomes toxic.

The 6 Supplements Included With The Beachbody Ultimate Reset

The program has six powerful supplements which is one factor that makes it so unique and powerful.

  1. One is supplements that alkanalize. For optimum health, blood should have slight acidity. The alkalinizer is a potent mixture of different types of greens such as barley grass, alfalfa, kamut grass and wheatgrass. It restores ideal body pH balance which boosts immunity.
  2. There is also a supplement to oxygenize which is helpful in eliminating waste that has accumulated in the tissues. Without waste, nutrients are absorbed better and faster which in turn boosts energy levels. Despite a healthy diet, if wastes are not removed the nutrients are not well absorbed.
  3. The third supplement is concerned with mineralizing. This is done with a rare natural salt that is rich in trace minerals that are very beneficial. They ensure the smooth function of the digestive tract, they regulate water body content and boost the functions of the cells. Ordinary table salt does not do this. The natural Himalayan salt that is used contains no less than 84 minerals and trace elements like copper, magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium.
  4. The other supplement included is for revitalization. It has a combination of probiotics and prebiotics that maintain a healthy balance of healthy bacteria in the gut for a strong immune system. They increase the ability of the body to take up and use minerals for better immunity. Also, research has proven that there is potential in the ability of prebiotics to lower the risk of colon cancer as well as achieving intestinal regularity and helping to resolve inflammatory bowel disorders.
  5. The fifth supplement is optimizing with systematic enzymes that have a crucial role in each and every body function. The supplement is a unique enzymes blend that boosts inflammatory and immune responses in the body.
  6. The sixth supplement is for detoxifying which is one with a clay-based detoxifier that draws out toxic compounds in the gut. The herbal blend also works to keep the digestive health in optimal health.

The detox is made from organic ingredients such as flaxseed, ginger root, chia seed, camu-camu and natural spices such as garlic and turmeric. The blend is able to gently but effectively remove accumulated toxins and it contains no harsh ingredients other programs have that keep one constantly running to the toilet or experiencing cramps.

Who Should Do The Beachbody Ultimate Reset?

Beachbody Ultimate Reset is ideal for anyone ready to jumpstart a fitness transformation journey. It is just the thing to get one on track after a vacation or holiday season where one has over-indulged in food and drink. It is also ideal for getting one started on a weight loss program as the program itself will clean your body of dead unhealthy weight that is just hanging around inside your body taking up space and blocking the absorption of nutrients that get you optimal results.

Beachbody Ultimate Reset
Beachbody Ultimate Reset simply eliminates your body off all toxins to a pure state

In Addition….
Beachbody Ultimate Reset comes with extensive support which is given by a coach and other team members who are always available online. The package also includes a participant guide book with all the necessary information, a three-week eating plan with recipes, tips for healthy cooking and shopping lists. Also included are two DVDs with cooking lesson videos and more information on the program.

There is also a reset bracelet that is worn to represent a commitment to changing one’s health and gratitude for being able to achieve good health. To make sure one keeps track of the supplements they are supposed to take, a reset caddy is included.

Beachbody Ultimate Reset is the brainchild of health and fitness expert Isabelle Daikeler and super foods guru Darin Olien who travels the world to gather all natural earth ingredients to formulate Shakeology. It has changed the mindsets and health of many and left them leaner, fitter and in optimum health.

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P90X by Tony Banawa




Author: Tony Banawa

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A List Of Most Sought After At Home Workouts For Men

Guys, let’s be honest … If you’re a busy person, dedicated father,  like spending time with your family like myself, or just plain love doing workouts in your own private residence from time to time,  at home workouts for men are purely proven to get you serious results.

If you have ever tried to workout at home on your own, then you know how hard it can be to keep a tight schedule on a custom workout routine. That is why when programs like P90x and Insanity came out, they revolutionized how the fitness industry works.

Not only did these in home programs I’m about to mention sweep the in home fitness industry, but they put together a concept that even helped people learn how to properly eat, write down and improve their performance daily, and allow anyone who bought their programs free access to a community of hundreds of thousands to communicate with. Basically, making it fun to workout.

I used to think that any home I saw done at home was for beginners or just the females. I couldn’t have been more wrong! Turns out that I got better results than I ever got going to the traditional gym. Not everyone can afford a gym membership or let alone a personal trainer @ $45/hour or a nutritionist @ $100 per hour. These at home workouts for men below give all that to you and more, and even elite athletes are taking notice and implementing them into their training regimen.

Gyms no longer held a monopoly on the fitness industry, and at-home workouts suddenly started to take flight. Times are changing as we all know. The cell phones are basically your everything you need mobile device instead of just a big block that sits i your middle console in case you broke down on the road. Kids aren’t asking for Lite Brite, slinky’s, or remote control cars anymore for their birthdays, they want Ipads, Iphones, and laptops. Just like that evolution, you can no longer drink safely from the garden hose anymore with your friends on a hot day like we used to back 20 years ago. It’s just not safe.

My point, the way we get in shape and get healthy is forever changing. Fitness doesn’t have to take up your time and get in the way of your career or social life. It doesn’t have to be expensive, and it doesn’t have to be a mystery on how to get your results. There are now at home workouts for men that guide you from A-Z, from start to finish.

But what are the best home based training regiments? Here we list some of our favorites in different categories.

Best Beginner At Home Workouts For Men

1. Power 90

At home workouts for men
Power 90 – My top recommendation for at home workouts for men – Beginners Level


Unlike P90x, this video series was actually designed for beginners. If you are finding P90x too stressful, try switching to the introductory exercises in power 90 for a more balanced approach.

Power 90 came out before the popular P90X, which was an extreme workout designed to give Power 90 graduates something to build on. The rest is history.

At Home Workouts For Men Already In A Bit Of Shape

1. P90x

At Home Workouts For Men
P90X is one of the top at home workouts for men today

With the extreme level that fitness training programs have come to these days, the legendary P90x can still be classified as the top at home sold workout for total body transformation.

When p90x first came out of course, it was considered too extreme for your average couch potato American, and critics said it wouldn’t sell. The only problem was p90x went on to become the best-selling fitness DVD of all time. You will be pushing and pulling in all angles you never imagined to help your body become strong and functional for all life situations, not just general strength and looks.

Get this classic, but still great introduction to the Beach Body series and you are guaranteed to have a head start on all the rest.



2. P90x 2

at home workouts for men
P90X2 is for the advanced fitness level – At home workouts for men

P90x 2 is meant for those athletes who graduated P90X and is ready to take it to the next level. P90X2 isn’t harder than P90X, but the difference is doing the actual strength routines with balance, therefore focusing more on core strength and balance, agility, functionality, and more.

You will find that your lifting strength is only half the puzzle when it comes to building a solid physique. You need endurance, flexibility, and a proper diet to ensure you get the most amount of reps on every set. You can hire lawyers for fall accidents from here!

According to the law firm for slip and fall claims, being able to use your strength in many different ways than the traditional curls, bench press, and squats is what P90x2 is for. It is designed to give you that added strength when you really need it in real life situations to prevent injury (get criminal justice lawyers help from here), restrain you from having to find attorney after a fall injury and live a more functional life confidently. It teaches you not only to lift heavy weight, but lift weight with balance and other muscle working together for all around fitness and well being. You can also get attorneys for traffic accident injuries from here!


3. Insanity

At home workouts for men
The Insanity workout is one of the hardest cardio at home workouts for men in my opinion.


The original Insanity work out DVD is one of the most difficult training regiments on the planet. If personal trainers and athletes have trouble getting through this DVD, how do you think you will fare?

This is meant for seriously dedicated, muscle toning freaks. Don’t let the kids anywhere near it. In all seriousness, I always let my kids do cardio with me. It’s just good for them and it teaches them a healthy lifestyle at a young age.

If you are having trouble getting through the program, don’t feel bad about skipping a day if your body is screaming at you. Allow your body to recover and go at it again. Also, don’t try to keep up with any of them in the DVD and don’t compare yourself to them until you have reached that level you could literally say, you’ve gone the distance and I did it.


4. Insanity Asylum

At home workouts for men
Insanity Asylum – One of the hardest at home workouts for men & women


Insanity Asylum differs from its predecessor in that its primary objective is agility, cardio, and endurance instead a full body sculpted physique.

Insanity Asylum was designed in conjunction with some of the best athletic training regiments on the planet, including those used by Olympic athletes. It is the perfect complement to an intense cardio workout.

I use this program to help me train for the word known tough mudder events. Pro athletes helped put this intense endurance and strength program together so you know it’s something you’ll be challenged with. The agility ladder is used frequently in this series to make sure you use proper form which is something new from the first Insanity. Volume 2 will be coming out later this year featuring Olympic speed skater, Apolo Ohno.

Best Muscle Building at Home Workouts for Men

1. Les Mills Pump

At home workouts for men
Les Mills Pump – Good for that lean ripped look


Using a dynamic blend of cross training, muscle confusion and muscle stretching exercises, Les Mills’ Pump was designed to maximize your muscles to their fullest potential. They use a “Rep Effect” to get you that lean toned physique in 90 days. In this program, you will be using the low weight high rep style for lean muscle mass.

Les Mills also happens to be a nutritional expert, if you didn’t know. His book that comes with the Pump DVD has been rated one of the best training diet books currently on the market.

Be sure and follow both the training routine and the diet book to the letter in order to maximize results.


3. Body Beast Workout

At home workouts for men
The old school body building with modern scientific strategies at home workout for men – Body Beast


The newest at home workout for men (and  women) to enjoy from BeachBody. This DVD was designed for one purpose and one purpose only: to get you bigger. Unlike all the other Beachbody programs promoted to get you that lean beach body look,  they’ve brought in Sagi Kalev, former bodybuilding title holder, to the scene and he really gets you pumped for massive gains.

You may be thinking that you’ll need an olympic bench and hundreds of punds of dumbbells and iron weights, but honestly, you can take advantage of this change in the world I talked about earlier and find out how modern scientific study along with old school bodybuilding techniques are now able to get you the same results at home with minimal equipment.

Expect to push your muscles beyond what you ever thought they could handle, and build a physique faster than you ever thought was possible with the Body Beast all natural supplements to help you.


So those are my top at home workouts for men that are proven to get you the results you want and at the same time, won’t take over your social life. All of these workouts above will take focus, a true health goal that is emotional, and a support team to help you get through the transformation.

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P90X by Tony Banawa

Does The P90X Lean Schedule Mean You Get More Lean?

If you’re one who is really interested in getting a lean body with P90x, then perhaps the P90x lean schedule is the best option. Actually, the P90x lean schedule intends to transform the body to a more lean form within 90 days via a complete fitness program catered to those who demand results.

The first thing I always here about the P90X lean schedule is, “Is it only for women?”. Although most people who choose the this schedule are women, it can be for any gender depending on their specific individual fitness goals.

The P90X Lean Schedule Is Just One Of Three To Choose From

There are 3 different schedules for P90x doers to choose from. All the schedules can be done with minimal P90X equipment. The classic, doubles and the lean schedule. According to your fitness requirements,  it is important you choose the right one. However, they all involve intense and regular workouts 6 days a week, and all three schedules are designed for 90 days.

Who Is The Lean Schedule For?

According to Tony Horton, the man behind the program itself,  the P90x lean schedule is intended for those individuals who wish to go for a slightly lesser intense resistance routine and more cardio-based. The results of this program are unique and there are positive changes in your lean body mass. The workout regime is directed towards cardio-exercises thus burning out the extra fat and help in losing weight.

I actually did the classic schedule and mixed in some doubles days when I felt  I was in “Beast Mode”, but I know people who did the P90X lean schedule and they got great results. You actually may sweat more doing the lean vs the classic, which is the most popular schedule of all three.

p90x lean schedule
My P90X Results - Choose lean, classic, or doubles schedule to hit your goals

The Difference Among P90X Lean Schedule & The Others

The P90x Classic schedule consists of 3 resistance workouts, 2 cardio workouts and 1 day of yoga training per week. The main aim of the classic version is to increase the muscle tones of the body in a lean or bulky way. The difference is whether you go light weight and more reps for lean muscle, or heavier weight with less reps to build mass.  With added cardio, you are sure to get that lean beach body look that they promise. At least I have and many others I personally know. So yeah, it works when done right.

The P90x lean schedule is not a walk in the park or eating an ice cream on a cool afternoon. It is intense and is meant for reducing the body fat quickly by more cardio exercises. Although almost all the same type of exercises and workouts are done in both the classic and lean schedules, the patterns and intensity differs to some extent. For example, this schedule doesn’t include the chest workouts until week 5, and the plyometrics workout is left out all together.

Also on the P90x lean schedule, you only do ab ripper twice a week, since your resistance training days are cut into 2 days(minus Core Synergistics which is more a p90x recovery workout) versus three with the classic and doubles.

Since this article was written specifically for the P90X Lean Schedule, here it is:
P90X Lean Workout – Phase 1-3(90 days)

Phase 1

(Weeks 1, 2 and 3)

Day 1 – Core Synergistics

Day 2 – Cardio X

Day 3 – Shoulders and Arms/ Ab Ripper X

Day 4 – Yoga X

Day 5 – Legs and Back/ Ab Ripper X

Day 6 – Kenpo X

Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

(Week 4 – Phase 1 Recovery Week) – Important to allow your body to tone it down before next round

Day 1 – Yoga X

Day 2 – Core Synergistics

Day 3 – Kenpo X

Day 4 – X Stretch

Day 5 – Cardio X

Day 6 – Yoga X

Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

Phase 2

(Weeks 5-7)

Same as weeks 1-3 with one exception. Change Day 3 from shoulders and arms to Chest, Shoulder, Triceps, and Ab RipperX

(Week 8 – Phase 2 Recovery week) – Same as week 4

Phase Three

(Weeks 9 and 11)

Day 1 – Chest and Back/Ab Ripper X

Day 2 – Cardio X

Day 3 – Shoulders and Arms/Ab Ripper X

Day 4 – Yoga X

Day 5 – Core Synergistics

Day 6 – Kenpo X

Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

(Weeks 10 and 12)

Day 1 – Chest, Shoulders and Triceps/Ab Ripper X

Day 2 – Cardio X

Day 3 – Back and Biceps/Ab Ripper X

Day 4 – Yoga X

Day 5 – Core Synergistics

Day 6 – Kenpo X

Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

(Week 13 – Final Recovery Week)

Same as the previous 2 recovery weeks


The P90x doubles schedule is the same as classic but with added cardio as your second workout of the day. This program is mainly for those who want some extra weight loss and lean muscle mass at the end. This schedule will take the most time out of all three so if you are a busy person struggling fit in a workout, this may not be for you.

If an individual intends to reduce unhealthy fat and get lean as well as fit to carry out all the daily work with full energy, the P90x lean schedule will surely be the schedule to follow.  The cardio exercises and the other workouts like strength training and yoga are well planned to give the body a slender look while increasing internal strength and power.

The P90x lean schedule is more appropriate for women as the reviews have revealed as it focuses mainly on the reduction of fat and getting a leaner and well shaped body. Men wish to get the six pack abs and develop lean muscle mass over time to look strong and powerful. So they usually prefer the other fitness regime of P90x schedules like the classic or the doubles.

The Benefits Of The P90x Lean Schedule

The lean schedule is designed in such a way as to burn weight through a specific set of exercises and workouts that is time bound. By adhering to the P90x lean schedule together with the nutrition plan and fitness calendar that keeps you on track, one can be rest assured that they will get  max results.

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P90X by Tony Banawa

I Need To Know What To Eat After Working Out

Choosing what to eat after working out is challenging. As most people know, the exercise is only half the battle. The body uses fuel in different ways during the day, and post workout meals are important for muscle repair and recover. The size, time, and content of a post-workout meal will play an important role in whether the calories eaten will be used as fuel, muscle building, or fat storage.

Ratios Of What To Eat After Working Out

Avoid over-indulging after a workout. Although it’s normal to feel hunger after strenuous exercise, choose a meal carefully. The meal consumed after the workout should equal approximately half of the calories burned during the workout. This number will probably be an approximation, but try to stay within a 50% calorie range while knowing what to eat after working out.

Plan to eat 60% of the calories from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are needed to replace muscle fuel and to prepare the body for the next exercise session. As a rule of thumb, a moderate exerciser will need about 30-40 grams of carbohydrates while an extreme exerciser should aim for 50-60 grams of carbohydrates.

Protein is also important for a post-meal workout. Protein will keep the body from breaking down muscle tissue for energy and will help to begin repair any muscles damaged during the workout. 25% of the calories eaten should come from protein. An easy way to think about the ratio of carbohydrates to protein is 4:1. Having a bagel with peanut butter, chocolate milk, eggs, 8 oz. of kefir are just a few good things to consider consuming as part of your post workout meal.


Timing Matters For Post Workout Meals | What To Eat After Working Out

After a workout, the body will continue to stay at a higher metabolism level, burning fat for up to half an hour after a workout. The best time to eat a post-workout meal is 30-45 minutes after the workout. This time frame is important because waiting longer than an hour will force the body to enter starvation mode, causing it to break down muscle fibers for fuel. If it will not be possible because of availability to have a meal in that window, try drinking chocolate milk. This is usually easier to find and many gyms stock in specifically in vending machines.

what to eat after working out
Know when and what to eat after working out for optimal performance and recovery

While most nutritional experts agree that both men and women’s post workout meals should be very similar, men are going to need to consume more calories than women. Women will typically burn 25% or more fewer calories then men doing the same workout regime. The ratio 4:1 carbs to protein should remain the same, but the overall calories should be decreased. Also, for women, it should be especially important to choose a post workout meal that contains calcium, especially if the workout has contained a weight-bearing activity that cause damage to the skeletal structure.


Getting Help From Supplements | What To Eat After Working Out

What to eat after working out
P90X Peak & Recovery - All natural with no artificial flavors or sweeteners

If getting enough protein is challenging, a post workout supplement may be the right choice.  I  personally use P90X Peak & Recovery Formula because of the fact that it works for me since doing P90X. On top of that, it’s all natural which is a huge bonus for me.

However, if my recovery formula is not for you or you want to broaden your choices for post recovery formulas, then I have a list of the best 2012 Post Workout supplements from  Just know what you want to eat after working out and take it.

For anyone interested in building muscle mass, using Creatine in a post-workout meal is a recommended way to increase muscle. Creatine is a natural compound in many foods that is used by the muscle cells. It is used for energy and helps to build lean muscle tissue and muscle cell volume. This is a recommended supplement when weight training and bodybuilding. This is a safe compound that can be added to a post-workout meal.


These goals and guidelines are the key to getting the most out of a post-workout meal. Use these to choose what to eat after working out.

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P90X by Tony Banawa

Shape Up In The Saddle

Cycling is a terrific way of seeing the local countryside – and getting into shape in the process.

It’s a great form of exercise, a way to improve your core strength, firm up your muscles and shed a few excess pounds in the process.

It will help increase your stamina and endurance levels, give a good workout to knees, thighs and ankles – and is the perfect excuse to venture outside and get a healthy dose of fresh air into the bargain.

All you need in a decent set of wheels, the right protective gear – and the get-up-and-go to get out there and give it a try.

Cycling Views
A part of exercising outdoors is enjoying the views

Start Off Slowly

Be sensible – don’t plan a multi-mile bike trip until you’ve built up your stamina – and your leg muscles – first.

It takes time to acclimatise both…not to mention your buttocks! Even with a softer ‘jelly’ saddle underneath you, your rear end will need to get used to certain discomfort at the beginning.

Practice makes perfect – build up the miles gradually, aiming to increase the distance little by little each time.

What to Wear

Head protection is a must. A cycle helmet might not look ‘cool,’ but in the case of an accident it could very well save your life or at least prevent a serious head injury.

Any helmet that suffers impact of any sort must be replaced immediately – the foam lining is designed to absorb shock but will not recover from the trauma of a major blow.

Always carry a set of waterproofs – they’ll pack down easily in a rucksack or panniers and will greatly add to the experience in case of a torrential downpour. This is the wettest British summer so far on record after all!

Wear layers to keep warm in the cold – baselayers will keep the heat in, expel perspiration, and can be added or discarded as necessary.

If the weather does take a turn for the better and cycling shorts become a possibility, make certain they are padded in the right places to ensure that sitting on a saddle for long periods does not become a hardship.

Special cycling gloves will help prevent blisters and absorb vibration on uneven surfaces.

What to Carry

Plenty of liquids – dehydration can become a serious problem in the heat.

A few goodies for a roadside stop – there’s nothing like a tasty snack en route, knowing you’ve earned a rest after having put a few miles on the clock. A well-deserved beer at a convenient pub has a similar effect!

Puncture repair kit with spare inner tube, multi-spanner and a pump.

Sun cream – just in case the sun does shine!

How to Carry It

Lightweight rucksacks specifically designed for daytrips will hold all your essentials – special hydration packs also incorporate an internal bladder for water.

Saddle bags – panniers that sit either side of the rear wheel – will not unbalance the bike if packed carefully. A compact cycle bag under the handlebars will also hold small items.

***About Today’s Guest Blogger: Nicki Williams writes for Gear-Zone, where you’ll find a comprehensive range of waterproofs and baselayers from leading brands including Rab, Berghaus, Smartwool, Icebreaker and The North Face.


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P90X by Tony Banawa

The Truth Exposed | P90X Workout Review

[box type=”note”]I appreciate you stopping by and sharing the day here at I know you are busy, but take a moment and sign up for a FREE BEACHBODY MEMBERSHIP for support on demand, motivation like no other, and a social fitness community to keep you on track to your fitness goals![/box]Craving for an extreme fitness program that gives real results? This P90X workout review can help you out.
If you’re familiar with P90X then you know exactly how its creator, Tony Horton, and producer, Beachbody, have reached a significant milestone because of it.

Well, with thousands of people proving how effective P90X is, no wonder it has gained impressive popularity ever since it was first launched in an infomercial back in 2004.

We all know that P90X is an intense at-home workout program but does it really deserve all the hype? How does P90X really work? What makes it a stand-out among other fitness programs in the market? Let’s get straight to point with my honest P90X workout review.

P90X Workout Review: Getting Started

P90X is also known as Power 90 Extreme Workout. In other words, it is an extreme program not suitable for people who just love to slack off day in and day out. It’s not for the weak at heart either; P90X will require you to spend 50-90 minutes every day, 6 days a week for the whole 90-day program.

Whether your goal is to gain a bulkier physique, burn off the unhealthy weight or tone up muscle, P90X workout can bring you outstanding results within a period of 3 months if you review the program before starting and do it the way it supposed to be done! So what’s the magic behind P90X?

Actually, there is no magic formula that makes P90X the leader of the pack. The whole success of P90X can be attributed to one effective principle: Muscle confusion and sticking to the program. This is the whole purpose I am even writing this P90X workout review. To get the simple small basics and let you know it can create huge results. We all stuck with it, see our pic below.

P90X workout review
muscl Our Team At Tony Horton’s Live P90X Workout in Las Vegas 2012- P90X Workout Review

If you’re not familiar with muscle confusion, better think about our body’s natural tendency to reach a certain level of “workout plateau” – that period when we don’t burn fats and build more muscles as fast as before because our body has clearly adjusted to the workout rhythm. In other words, same workouts everyday will not only lead to boredom but a complete failure in achieving greater results.

This is when muscle confusion gets in the picture. P90X was created with our body’s special needs for more challenging routines in mind. By exposing our body to different routines that are equally rigorous, one can put the notorious “workout plateau” at bay.
With P90X, you get to choose from three pre-set routines namely: classic, lean or doubles. Classic is usually preferred although starters can also choose lean while advanced users can rely on doubles for additional cardio workouts.

I want to remind you again that P90X is a serious endeavor. You should never try it out of curiosity alone; you got to have the extra motivation to last longer and accomplish your individual goals. The fact that there is an actual fitness test before you can even make that big decision is a caution on its own.

Once you decide to commit with P90X (which costs $89.95-$119.85 depending on your choice of membership), you will receive a total of 12 workout DVDs, a complete fitness guide, a complementary nutrition plan and a 90-day calendar to help you stay on track.

P90X Workout Review: The P90X Diet

Every P90X workout review recommends P90X nutritional plan/ diet guide and for an added emphasis, I will say it once again: You won’t reach your P90X goals without an efficient diet in the equation.

The 113-page nutritional plan is packed with recipe suggestions and detailed information on what an ideal P90X diet is all about. It consists of 3 phases that run parallel with the 90-day fitness program. Here’s a rundown of the diet plan to give you an idea:

  • Fat Shredder (Phase 1) – consists of foods rich in protein to help you burn fats at a faster rate.
  • Energy Booster (Phase 2) – helps you meet your fitness goals efficiently with the fantastic combination of energy-giving food groups like protein and carbohydrates.
  • Endurance Maximizer (Phase 3) – shapes you up a little bit further using high quality carbohydrates, protein and low-fat foods.

P90X Workout Review: And the Winner is……

Although beginners without prior exposure to intense workouts struggle with P90X, it goes without saying that this program really works. It has that “winning formula” that helps “former procrastinators” to change their unhealthy lifestyles for good.
You get to avoid workout boredom because you are exposed to different workout routines ranging from cardio and yoga to Kenpo kickboxing and resistance training.

With P90X, you won’t need to buy hefty gym equipment; you can perform all the workout routines with P90X essentials like:

  • Yoga blocks
  • Pull-up bars
  • Resistance bands/dumbbells

To be quite honest, I completed my first round of P90X with just a pull-up bar, a couple of resistance bands from Wal-Mart, and a set of cheap plastic dumbbells that only went up to 20 lbs. As a result, I lost 23 lbs of unhealthy weight and toned up with some lean muscle in the process, all while ensuring the use of safe steroids from a good place like

My hope is that my story can light up a little inspiration to someone who really needs to make that change for a better life. I have never looked back since completing my first round of P90X. Since then, I have done Insanity and P90X2 and have taken part in competing in the Tough Mudder endurance obstacle races. These are things that I would have never thought I could do if I hadn’t made a commitment to my health.


                 **** See the videos to the side for proof ===========>>>>>>>>>>=============>>>>>>>>>>>>>


P90X results
My father at 67 years old still keeping up with the young ones – P90X Workout Review


My father once told me “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” It’s so true in health. My father is 67 years old and still works out with P90X and Insanity. He works his catering business like he did when he was 40. All his body knows is to be active all the time and that’s what keeps him young and strong.

I hope you’ll make a decision on what is best for you after reading this P90X workout review. Even if it’s not with P90X or any other Beachbody fitness program, I encourage you to go out and become active in living a healthier life daily with proper nutrition and exercise.


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P90X by Tony Banawa


Meet Chris Davis at 696 lbs

Spartan Race Blog Story – Can Chris Davis lose 500 lbs in 38 months

We all have goals in life that we want to achieve. For Chris Davis, it is to drop 500 lbs in 38 months and conquer the Spartan Beast, a 26 mile endurance race. Even myself being at 166lbs and in the shape that I am, doing the Spartan Beast is a huge challenge. To do this, Chris is going to have to go through months and months of intense work and it’s going to take focus, dedication, determination, and much, much more.

Spartan Race Blog
Chris Davis to lose 500 lbs in 38 months - Spartan Race Blog

I ran into this story on Spartan Race’s blog site and I was impressed primarily with the goal this guy has in mind. I am pleased that someone can have such a giant task at hand and go after it. Doing what seems to be the impossible is never easy and never believed by majority of the public that it can be done. However, you have to read on and see what’s he’s accomplished so far.

Spartan Race Blog – How Can He Meet His Goals

Chris is taking on a spartan coach to help him prepare himself leading up to the big day. He takes him through similar obstacles, exercise workouts, and you can see the challenge Chris has in the beginning by having to carry almost 700 lbs during these workouts. Not an easy thing to do and I couldn’t imagine holding a plank position of 700lbs for even a few seconds.

Spartan Race Blog – See Chris Davis’s Video Journal

Here are some video journals of what Chris has done so far. Such a great inspiration. If he can lose weight from starting at 696 lbs, then so can anyone else who has a goal in mind that is strong enough to blur out the challenges it will take to get there. You can also see Chris’s Spartan Race blog here.

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P90X by Tony Banawa

Insanity Workout Online Reviews – Commit or Stay Back?

[box type=”note”]I appreciate you stopping by and sharing the day here at I know you are busy, but take a moment and sign up for a FREE BEACHBODY MEMBERSHIP for support on demand, motivation like no other, and a social fitness community to keep you on track to your fitness goals![/box]
Judging from what Insanity workout online reviews have been raving about, there’s no doubt that Insanity is such a big hit.

Insanity, a brainchild of Shaun T. and Beachbody, has gained unprecedented success since it was first launched, a proof that by combining great marketing strategies with an intelligently designed program, a mega hit will eventually emerge.

From blogs and forums to well esteemed fitness websites and news centers, Insanity workout online reviews have propelled Insanity to reach new heights. However, the polarity of opinions sometimes do more harm than good.

So what is Insanity all about? Have we found a good-for-all exercise program or just another lame workout course worthy to be lined up among other cookie-cutter programs?

This Insanity workout online review seeks to answer all of these questions.

What’s with all the Hype? – Insanity Workout Online

Insanity Workout Online
Insanity workout online review - Make an educated decision if it's for you

Insanity is a 60-day workout program which utilizes the principle of maximum interval training to give “insane” fitness results. Unlike P90X which requires some equipment, Insanity can be completed without using any expensive gym equipment. All you need is your determination to succeed and you’re good to go.

The max interval training allows participants to perform intense cardio workouts with short periods of rest. During the last and second month of the program, one will be exposed to exercise routines that have higher intensity. These workouts might be too challenging for some people so make sure you give the first month your best to help your body prepare well for the transition.

Aside from Insanity moves, a separate diet modification is also highly recommended. Without the Insanity nutrition plan, one can only expect subpar results. This is because nutrition is an integral part of Insanity success and obviously, you won’t succeed in any fitness activity if you keep your old eating habits intact.

Introducing: The Ten Insane Workouts – Insanity Workout Online

Insanity workout online reviews are crazy about Insanity, thanks to the 10 workout DVDs that make up the core of Insanity’s success. Don’t get me wrong, there are bad reviews on Insanity as well. In my opinion, bad reviews usually come from people who weren’t ready for the madness and got caught up on something way above their level. This is why reviews are crucial, because most of the time, you shouldn’t start out with Insanity. It’s for people who are in some sort of shape to begin with.

Shaun T. can push your limits to bring out your personal best. But without the challenging drills below, Insanity could have been a goner a long time ago. But it’s still hanging strong.

Here’s a rundown of the 10 workouts you should expect from Insanity:

  • Dig Deeper & Fit Test –  This is a test that Shaun T puts together to see where you’re at to begin with. Not an easy thing test but a wake up call rather. (30 min.)
  • Plyometric Cardio Circuit –  Legs! Shed your unhealthy weight with intervals of hardcore lower-body jump moving and sweat-inducing cardio. (42 min.)
  • Cardio Power & Resistance – Define your upper body by developing lean muscle with strength-training and power moves. (40 min.)
  • Cardio Recovery – Shaun takes it easy for a day so you’re ready for the next go around. (33 min.)
  • Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs – No intervals on this one—Pure Cardio is extreme  nonstop cardio then you do Cardio Abs for about 15 minutes to finish off your day. (55 min total.)
  • Core Cardio & Balance – Transition workout. Medium intensity after the first month to gear up for month 2 with this workout. (37 min.)
  • Max Interval Circuit & Fit Test – The interval circuit. Probably one of the more intense workouts you’ve experienced to this day. (86 min.)
  • Max Interval Plyo – Max out your legs in this power and plyo no mercy workout. (55 min.)
  • Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs – Get pushed to your limit with this extreme cardio workout. (65 min total)
  • Max Recovery – Rest, recover,  and build strength for round 2 with intense moves and stretches. (47 min.)

These 10 insane workouts are the key in pushing your body’s strength, coordination and flexibility to the limit. As a result, you will be able to boost your body’s overall performance and face daily physical challenges with great flexibility.

Secrets of Success – Insanity Workout Online

Insanity workout online reviews are in unison to give a highly effective tip for an impressive Insanity result:
“Stick to the Insanity fitness plan no matter what and never forget to modify daily diet according to what is indicated in the Insanity nutritional plan.”

In other words, SUCK. IT. UP.

Although insanity doesn’t require any equipment aside from your own gravity, that doesn’t mean you should not give it your all. Find a motivation and write down your specific Insanity goals so you can track down if you’re going downhill or on your way to success.

Any Insanity workout online review will tell you that the secret to Insanity success is not overnight so if you’re not willing to give it your all, better pack your belongings and stay as a couch potato for the rest of your life. You will need to step out of your comfort zone, invest in your health by eating right, and making sure that for the next 60 days, all your plans are with your Insanity transformation in mind. If you remember one thing from this Insanity workout online review, just know to treat your fitness and health as a priority for the next 60 days or don’t waste your time in the first place.

Insanity Online Review
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P90X by Tony Banawa

Body Beast Challenge – Groups Starting Monthly

[box type=”note”]I appreciate you stopping by and sharing the day here at I know you are busy, but take a moment and sign up for a FREE BEACHBODY MEMBERSHIP for support on demand, motivation like no other, and a social fitness community to keep you on track to your fitness goals![/box]
After months of waiting for the newest and most hardcore style muscle mass building program on the planet today, Body Beast is released for you to Beast up and get huge gains. So after completing P90X and Insanity, I am ready to put on some bulky muscle mass this time around using old school bodybuilding techniques and modern scientific study to complete my goals. I am holding an open challenge group for those who want to do this with me.

See the Body Beast Workout Details Here(Opens in new window)

body beast challenge
Body Beast Challenge Pack - Includes All 4 Supplements

Not only do you get the chance to do the program, but you also have the chance to be part of a five person challenge group to keep you accountable. These challenge groups will partner you up with people from all over the United States to help support each other through the tough workouts.

By being part of the Body Beast challenge groups, you will be required to post your workouts and nutrition daily to show that you are sticking to the program. This will in turn help others on your team who are struggling to stay on track keep motivated to press ahead.

Other people often post their weekly/bi-weekly pictures to show changes in their physique within the time shown. This let’s people get motivated to up their workouts and keep up with people who are really making it happen.

Stats show that people who have accountability partners and are involved in challenges where you must try to beat out others are more prone to finish their chosen programs more than people who do it by themselves. It makes a health and fitness transformation fun, intense, and easier to get through to your results.

The Body Beast challenge starts a new group each month on the last week of every month. This particular Body Beast challenge group is for people who are looking to bulk up around 10 lbs of muscle mass in 90 days.


Body Beast Challenge – Two Schedules Available

  • Huge Beast
  • Lean

Obviously, the lean schedule will consist of more cardio to shed off more fats in the process while gaining muscle mass. Both are intense. Lean schedule doesn’t mean easy schedule.

The Body Beast challenge will also guide you through a specific eating plan for you to get max results within your 90 days. If you

Body Beast
I met Body Beast creator, Sagi Kalev in Las Vegas. This guy is cool and really has a passion for his profession.

want results, you have to eat right and when you are part of an accountability group like the Body Beast challenge group, you will be in prime position to succeed. So let’s have a run down of why you should join a Body Beast Challenge group. Not only because I have personally met this guy and he is a down to earth passionate guy. But there was so much that went into this program and the test dummies got so much of a transformation that there is no reason not to in my opinion.


Why You Should Take Part In The Body Beast Challenge

  • Be part of a team effort
  • Help other’s by pushing yourself to be your best and leading by example
  • Chance to change your life with the support of other’s going after the same goal
  • Surround yourself by positive influence to get you to your goal
  • Be reminded daily of why you are going through this tough workout
  • Be part of a health transformation movement that will shape lives of people you don’t even know personally
  • Make new friends that are positive, inspiring, motivating, and supportive to your goals

These are only a few reasons why you should join a Body Beast challenge group. They always say, the more the merrier. But in order to have the success with the Body Beast challenge group, let’s recap of what is expected of you as being in the group:


  1. Post daily your fitness workout and something about your nutrition that day, how you felt, what you struggled with, and overall what you thought about your efforts today
  2. “Like” and “comment” on each other’s posts to show support and keep the interactivity going in the group
  3. Write down your “WHY” under the files tab in the group. This will state your reason why you want to make this change. What is your motivation and your main purpose for starting your Body Beast journey? Make it detailed, and make it real. Don’t write what you think everybody else wants to hear, but write down what really comes to your heart and your real reasons and goals
  4. No garbage, no drama posts, and no putting people down. Eliminate all negativity and only inspire people to be great
  5. Only posts about the challenge group allowed. Keep the group focused towards the goals at hand.

As you can see, the whole purpose for the Body Beast challenge group is to rally behind each other and finish as a team. To be a family and be there for each other through hard and even the easy days, if there are any. You must come in with a mentality that you are a finisher, not just a starter. We do this to finish what we start together.


How To Register For A Body Beast Challenge Group

So after you read what the Body Beast challenge group is, what’s required, and reason’s why you should be part of this crazy good thing, you need to make a decision. Are maximum results what you seek? Then here are the steps in joining the challenge group and making a positive change in your life.


  1. Get your discount Beachbody coach account here to waive your $39.95  and link up with me as your accountability partner and coach.(Opens in new window)
  2. Click on Coach and input your details in the required fields
  3. Follow to check out and choose the challenge pack, “Body Beast”($220). This is when they waive your $39.95 Coach membership
  4. Pay for your Challenge pack by submitting your order
  5. Email me at and let me know that you are ready to “Beast Up”. Make sure you leave me with you name and number and best time to reach you. I “WILL” call you!
  6. I will call you and prepare us for what’s to come by adding you to our Body Beast Challenge Group and giving you the necessary steps in preparing for Body Beast as far as what you will need for the program and your next 90 days.

I want to disclose that you don’t have to register as a coach to be in the challenge group. However, it is the same price whether you choose coach or free membership cause of the fact that they waive your $39.95 when you check out with a challenge pack as stated earlier. Only with free membership, your future purchases will be charged to you in retail cost vs. 25% off being a coach. This is why I recommend going the coach route. Anyways, you can change or cancel anytime if you feel the coach membership isn’t for you. No brainer.

So that’s it! Get ready to Beast Up, put that focused and finisher label in that head, and get it going with me on our journey to a healthier feel and look with the Body Beast Challenge.

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Click To Make Me Your Free Coach - Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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P90X by Tony Banawa

P90X Workout Routine Only Works If You Do It Right

[box type=”note”]I appreciate you stopping by and sharing the day here at I know you are busy, but take a moment and sign up for a FREE BEACHBODY MEMBERSHIP for support on demand, motivation like no other, and a social fitness community to keep you on track to your fitness goals![/box]If you haven’t heard about P90X workout routine yet, it’s fine time to go with the trend.

But here’s a caveat: P90X is not just another fat-burning trend that promises amazing results within a week. In fact, it is a tough program that will force you to give up 3 months of your couch potato life. It’s not for everyone and that’s a fact. Yes, you need 3 months including 6 days a week of intense P90X workout routines.

p90x workout routine
My P90X Results - The P90X workout routine will do the job

It might be too intimidating at first but if you stay focused to your goals, and take it day by day till the last day, you could very well have your own transformation story as I have.

I’m sure you’ve heard about impressive P90X stories, watched P90X infomercials, and have been thinking about trying it yourself. You’ve heard your friends have tried it but not really actually did the program as the program suggests front to back, and you may have even gotten a burned copy from the pathetic piracy prince and it was incomplete here and there so it was frustrating when you were in the middle of a great workout and then it skips 15 minutes of the program somewhere along the line.

So you got tired if it and quit. It happens and I know because me and my friends have been through this too before I actually decided to do it right and commit. The P90X workout routine only works when done right once again. That means following the fitness and nutrition guide both for the full 90 days, along with staying accountable with your Beachbody coach and all the resources they have to offer to you for free during your journey.

(Check out this quick video. Our team is shown in the sky blue shirts from .07 seconds to .12 seconds in the video. There was about 100 of us there working out with Tony Horton, Shaun T, Les Mills Pump Trainers, and more. Location was the Las Vegas Strip (Tropicana) at 6a.m. in the morning. Yes our team knows how to Bring It!)

But what really makes P90X workout routine a cut above the rest? Actually doing it and not just watching it or parking it on your book shelf like I did at first, is a good start.

See My Transformation Video To The Right ===========>>>>>>

Let’s forget all the hype for now and explore if the P90X workout routine has the right edge you’ve been looking for. Keep in mind, that if you’ve been someone who hasn’t been working out in a long time, you may need to dip into the Power 90 before you jump into the Extreme version of P90X, which was created for Power 90 graduates. Yes, the P90X workout routine wasn’t the first of it’s line, but certainly the most popular to date. Here’s why….

P90X Workout Routine: Isolation vs. Full-Body

When I first tried the P90X workout routine to meet my fitness goals, I was pleasantly surprised for two reasons: First, P90X is challenging enough to put my boredom away. Second, it’s a complete body conditioning program that helps to unleash your personal best.

When I say ‘complete’, that simply means P90X can put one’s strength, stamina, endurance and flexibility to test. This has been made possible by isolation and full body exercises. Majority of the 12 P90X workouts are tailored to build specific muscle groups. AB Ripper X, for example, can help you get that six-pack abs in no time. Other target-specific moves are also known to bulk up other parts of the body like the chest, legs, shoulders and back.

Full-body workouts, on the other hand, can drive you nuts especially if yoga is not your cup of tea. I personally dislike yoga but P90X has helped me focus on the larger picture. Without full-body P90X workout routines like Plyometrics, Yoga X and Kenpo X, I would not be able to boost my strength and flexibility at the same time.

When I first started P90X, I was so frustrated with how I couldn’t even get close to doing Yoga like they did on the DVD. You can bet that I was calling Tony Horton ugly names. Come to find out, that was just the competitive side in me being tamed. Realizing my learning curve and how much room I had to improve. That’s why the P90X workout routine was designed that way, to challenge you for 90 days constantly.

P90X Workout Routine: Cardio vs. Strength

Although not as intense as Insanity, cardio lovers can definitely count on P90X for a round of heart-friendly workouts. If you’re on kickboxing, Kenpo X can definitely meet your needs. At first, Kenpo X proved to be my easiest workout, so I upped the intensity by holding onto 2.5 lb weights during the workout for more intensity and resistance. It definitely made a world of difference for me.

Plyometrics, on the other hand, is more jump training for agility and vertical strength and power, while Core Synergistics effectively combines push ups, lying core and leg exercises so you can meet your target heart rate every time. Now, if your focus is more on gaining core strength, each P90X workout routine won’t disappoint you. Simple moves like push ups and pull-ups can really go a long way in boosting your upper body strength with the use of low-cost equipment like resistance bands. Increasing one’s lower body strength is also possible, thanks to simple at-home exercise moves like squatting and sit-ups.

P90X Workout Routine: Get the Best Results!

If you work hard enough, P90X can help you achieve jaw-dropping transformations. But that won’t be possible for people who are after get-fit-quick ideas and too lazy to stretch out.

I know people that had to go through p90x for 18 months straight, but in the end, lost 242 lbs. Here is his story


Was it worth 18 months of P90X? You better believe it. I had the honor to see Richard Neil in Las Vegas this year and all I can say is that you can absolutely see in his eyes that he is thankful for his new life. Congrats again, Richard! You have definitely earned it.

So let’s get back to you……P90X workout routine is not just about exercises per se. As a matter of fact, you can have your battle halfway done if you follow both the fitness and diet plans by heart. In other words, P90X workout routine is not the be-all, end-all of P90X success. This is just an overview of P90X workout routine so please bear in mind that in order to achieve optimum results, you must not cherry pick workouts you only feel comfortable with.

Adhere to every P90X workout routine and you’ll surely give yourself the best chance of getting the body you desire.

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P90X by Tony Banawa