Body Beast Challenge – Groups Starting Monthly

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After months of waiting for the newest and most hardcore style muscle mass building program on the planet today, Body Beast is released for you to Beast up and get huge gains. So after completing P90X and Insanity, I am ready to put on some bulky muscle mass this time around using old school bodybuilding techniques and modern scientific study to complete my goals. I am holding an open challenge group for those who want to do this with me.

See the Body Beast Workout Details Here(Opens in new window)

body beast challenge
Body Beast Challenge Pack - Includes All 4 Supplements

Not only do you get the chance to do the program, but you also have the chance to be part of a five person challenge group to keep you accountable. These challenge groups will partner you up with people from all over the United States to help support each other through the tough workouts.

By being part of the Body Beast challenge groups, you will be required to post your workouts and nutrition daily to show that you are sticking to the program. This will in turn help others on your team who are struggling to stay on track keep motivated to press ahead.

Other people often post their weekly/bi-weekly pictures to show changes in their physique within the time shown. This let’s people get motivated to up their workouts and keep up with people who are really making it happen.

Stats show that people who have accountability partners and are involved in challenges where you must try to beat out others are more prone to finish their chosen programs more than people who do it by themselves. It makes a health and fitness transformation fun, intense, and easier to get through to your results.

The Body Beast challenge starts a new group each month on the last week of every month. This particular Body Beast challenge group is for people who are looking to bulk up around 10 lbs of muscle mass in 90 days.


Body Beast Challenge – Two Schedules Available

  • Huge Beast
  • Lean

Obviously, the lean schedule will consist of more cardio to shed off more fats in the process while gaining muscle mass. Both are intense. Lean schedule doesn’t mean easy schedule.

The Body Beast challenge will also guide you through a specific eating plan for you to get max results within your 90 days. If you

Body Beast
I met Body Beast creator, Sagi Kalev in Las Vegas. This guy is cool and really has a passion for his profession.

want results, you have to eat right and when you are part of an accountability group like the Body Beast challenge group, you will be in prime position to succeed. So let’s have a run down of why you should join a Body Beast Challenge group. Not only because I have personally met this guy and he is a down to earth passionate guy. But there was so much that went into this program and the test dummies got so much of a transformation that there is no reason not to in my opinion.


Why You Should Take Part In The Body Beast Challenge

  • Be part of a team effort
  • Help other’s by pushing yourself to be your best and leading by example
  • Chance to change your life with the support of other’s going after the same goal
  • Surround yourself by positive influence to get you to your goal
  • Be reminded daily of why you are going through this tough workout
  • Be part of a health transformation movement that will shape lives of people you don’t even know personally
  • Make new friends that are positive, inspiring, motivating, and supportive to your goals

These are only a few reasons why you should join a Body Beast challenge group. They always say, the more the merrier. But in order to have the success with the Body Beast challenge group, let’s recap of what is expected of you as being in the group:


  1. Post daily your fitness workout and something about your nutrition that day, how you felt, what you struggled with, and overall what you thought about your efforts today
  2. “Like” and “comment” on each other’s posts to show support and keep the interactivity going in the group
  3. Write down your “WHY” under the files tab in the group. This will state your reason why you want to make this change. What is your motivation and your main purpose for starting your Body Beast journey? Make it detailed, and make it real. Don’t write what you think everybody else wants to hear, but write down what really comes to your heart and your real reasons and goals
  4. No garbage, no drama posts, and no putting people down. Eliminate all negativity and only inspire people to be great
  5. Only posts about the challenge group allowed. Keep the group focused towards the goals at hand.

As you can see, the whole purpose for the Body Beast challenge group is to rally behind each other and finish as a team. To be a family and be there for each other through hard and even the easy days, if there are any. You must come in with a mentality that you are a finisher, not just a starter. We do this to finish what we start together.


How To Register For A Body Beast Challenge Group

So after you read what the Body Beast challenge group is, what’s required, and reason’s why you should be part of this crazy good thing, you need to make a decision. Are maximum results what you seek? Then here are the steps in joining the challenge group and making a positive change in your life.


  1. Get your discount Beachbody coach account here to waive your $39.95  and link up with me as your accountability partner and coach.(Opens in new window)
  2. Click on Coach and input your details in the required fields
  3. Follow to check out and choose the challenge pack, “Body Beast”($220). This is when they waive your $39.95 Coach membership
  4. Pay for your Challenge pack by submitting your order
  5. Email me at and let me know that you are ready to “Beast Up”. Make sure you leave me with you name and number and best time to reach you. I “WILL” call you!
  6. I will call you and prepare us for what’s to come by adding you to our Body Beast Challenge Group and giving you the necessary steps in preparing for Body Beast as far as what you will need for the program and your next 90 days.

I want to disclose that you don’t have to register as a coach to be in the challenge group. However, it is the same price whether you choose coach or free membership cause of the fact that they waive your $39.95 when you check out with a challenge pack as stated earlier. Only with free membership, your future purchases will be charged to you in retail cost vs. 25% off being a coach. This is why I recommend going the coach route. Anyways, you can change or cancel anytime if you feel the coach membership isn’t for you. No brainer.

So that’s it! Get ready to Beast Up, put that focused and finisher label in that head, and get it going with me on our journey to a healthier feel and look with the Body Beast Challenge.

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Click To Make Me Your Free Coach - Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa


Discover the 5 Simple Steps I Used to Immediately Ignite My Fat-Burning Furnace and Melt off 23 Pounds of Ugly, Unwanted Body Fat… All in Just 89 Short Days

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Published by

Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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