How To Plan Your Nutrition With Ease

Plan Your Nutrition

The very first thing you should do when starting on a fitness journey to reach your goals, is to plan your nutrition. Not planning your eating habits on a daily basis is like driving out of town but not knowing which route to take to get there. Sometimes this task of knowing what to eat sounds easier said then done. But don’t stress out about it, I will give you a tip on a software I use that can take away all the dirty work.

When planning your nutrition, it is also vital to know what your goals are. Are you trying to lose weight, tone up, build muscle mass and strength, or are you just looking to maintain the same weight and get healthier? Each goal will require a specific eating plan to help you reach your ultimate goal.

Where most people fail, is there nutrition. They have no clue what to eat, how often to eat, or why they need to eat at all. Believe it or not, some people try to eat less during their workouts thinking that they will be burning off fat twice as much by not eating.

That cannot be further from the truth. Your muscles need food for energy before, during, and after your workouts. If you body does not supply your muscles with the proper nutrients during the times when you are putting stress on them, they will suffer growth and you will lose muscle, feel fatigue, and even gain weight because of your low metabolism when not eating frequently.

The proper way to spread out your meals in a day is every 3 hours on average. You should be eating 5 to 6 meals per day being the right portions in each meal. How do you know what the right portion is? A good way to measure this is by the size of your palm or fist. However, you must be consistent and if you have a sweet tooth here and there, all I have to say is that no one is perfect, but you must control your temptations up to a point where you don’t stray away and start affecting your final results in a huge way. If you aren’t disciplined to an extent, the little cheats here and there will and do add up and therefore will effect your body.

My Meal Planner | Plan Your Nutrition

Who wants to spend all the time in figuring out the complexity of the nutrition plan when you can have it done for you. There is a meal planner I use that anyone can use if they so choose. I use it because it takes the guesswork out of my hands and I can spend more time doing other productive things in life.

There are many reasons why I use this:

It is quick and easy
It covers all corners
You can edit it to your liking and stay on track
It caters to your height, weight, activity level, and much more
It comes with a community of fitness enthusiasts that can help you with anything about fitness
It makes fitness fun and promotes a healthy lifestyle, not a hobby.
Support 24/7. Very important for me

There are many more reasons but I want to keep this on the short side. Often times, a person changes their goals to improve their physique. For example. If they have lost tons of weight and really leaned up, now they change up their eating habits and workout plan to add some muscle mass and fill it all in. That itself will take a change in nutrition and the way you eat from what got you lean and mean. The meal planner will solve this for you in the blink of an eye. Done. Now you are on a different eating regimen and off to your new body.

Commit To Be Healthy | Plan Your Nutrition

A meal planner does nothing if you do not commit to be healthy yourself first. You must have a reason why you are looking to eat right and stay on track. Commitment without a plan is ignorance. Set yourself up for success by completing the whole system around you and being the best you can.

Having a goal, the right fitness program, the right plan of your nutrition, support, and the commitment on a consistent basis can take you a long way to a life of prosperity.

Watch this video on the Meal Planner I use


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Published by

Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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