Transformation Of The Day

Transformation Of The Day | Jim From Texas

Age: 52
Gender: Male
State: Texas
Primary Program: INSANITY®
Shakeology®,P90X® Peak Results and Recovery Formula

Here is a great one that I thought to share. Jim is from Texas and he like most of us guys, was a party rock star and drank beer weekly with his friends.

Not only that, but he ate like their was no tomorrow and didn’t pay any attention to his health.

We all have been in the mind thinking that what you eat and drink daily isn’t really that important because some day you will change your routine and it will be just fine. However, that someday turns into 10-20 years and before you know it, you have taken on diseases and high blood pressure. This is what happened to Jim.

On a beautiful summer day, after hanging out with friends at a BBQ, Jim started to feel a little dizzy after the party started to go home. He made it home only to see that his blood pressure was 238/120. Those numbers mean you are on the brinks of having a stroke or heart attack. He had just turned 50 and it hit him hard that he may not wake up to see the next day.

He started telling his wife to tell his dogs that he loved them daily cause he was uncertain of waking up in the mornings.

He knew that he had to do something about this or he would be on the short leash. He started to drink supplements but it was not enough to change the hole his health was in. He didn’t want to follow his father’s footsteps, which meant passing away at age 54.

One day he saw P90X on TV and him and his wife thought that it was just what they needed. They had always gone to the gym but at different times because that’s what life does to families most of the time. Go to work when your boss tells you, and you go home when your boss tells you.

They were able to start working out together at home because having an in home program allows you to do that. Jim and his wife fell into such a committed routine that they finished their program and now they are doing Beachbody’s Insanity by Shaun T and have ordered P90X2. At age 50, no more high blood pressure. “We made changes in our lives because we needed to. We were convinced to make those changes thanks to Beachbody” Jim says.

When asked what in particular did you like about the program he chose, Jim says that he likes the fact that you are provided with all the tools and support you need, all him and his wife have to do is put in the hard work. He also said that his greatest challenge was changing how he had to eat to achieve his results. For example, when grilling out on weekends with friends, he now grills salmon instead of ribs.

When describing his results, he proudly says that he is in better shape than when he was in his 20’s. He is able to water ski and wake board and doesn’t let his age dictate what he can and can’t do.

Jim is no different than anyone else. The only thing is that Jim had a wake up call that most people who don’t decide to help their health will come across sometime in their lives. What will you do when that time comes? Or…make a decision to improve your health now and never have to worry about getting that wake up call.

Thanks Jim for the being the transformation of the day and being a $1000 monthly winner of the Beachbody Challenge

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Published by

Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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