Tropical Shakeology Review | A Vegan Meal Replacement

Tropical Shakeology

Introducing the newest flavor to the vegan meal replacement from beachbody, Tropical Shakeology. Fresh, natural and delicious explains how to best describe it as it combines the fruit flavors of pineapple, banana, papaya, and more.

With the success in the past, it has been know for being the bread and butter to the results of many people in the health and fitness industry. That is, because being fit and healthy doesn’t mean just looking good on the outside, but also on the inside.

All natural with no artificial coloring or flavors, this shake is one of a kind. Recommended by doctors all over the world, people are turning to shakeology for help with high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, skin deficiencies, lack of energy, and more.

It is hands down worth trying if you are looking for a meal replacement that will not only help you to lose weight and have long lasting energy throughout the day, but also to make sure that you have all your daily vitamins and nutrients that your body demands daily.

It also helps you to control your hunger throughout the day by giving you that healthy feeling that you are full. No, I’m not talking about how you feel after eating a burger and fries with a large coke, SUPERSIZED.

See this article I wrote about How Lisa J  Transformed her body using Shakeology

Vegan Meal Replacement | Tropical Shakeology

The new flavor will also be vegan. Unlike it’s flavor siblings that came out before, the protein will be from sprouted brown rice, unlike their sibling flavors that came out before as they got their protein from Whey isolate. This was the only reason that the chocolate and greenberry flavors were not considered to be vegan. So yes, tropical shakeology will be Beachbody’s first and only to date Vegan meal replacement.

The new flavor launched in January or 2012. Darin, the co-founder is also a vegan and he plans on having all the other future flavors that come out to also be labeled the same as they believe that this is the healthiest way to go for a product such as this. I agree.

Eliminate Toxins | Improve Digestion | Tropical Shakeology

If you have not yet tried Shakeology and are thinking about giving it a whirl, just know that it is not only an all natural meal replacement to lose weight and have energy, but also that it eliminates the toxins in your body while helping your body absorb the nutrients that it needs. With over 70 ingredients and over 30 superfoods that are found from all over the world in places that you and I have no means to go. I am talking about going through the earth’s most uncomfortable plains to know farmer’s that you haven’t even heard of to take you on their boats that you can’t even make to get to the places that you never even heard of before to get the most natural earth grown, never touched by human hands ingredients.

That, is Tropical Shakeology.

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Published by

Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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