Your Own Office Exercise Routine

Yea, if you’re looking this up then you’re probably one of those people that have a schedule so tight that you can’t even stop to take a breath. You wake up at 6am. Maybe you drop your child off by 7. You head out to work by 8. Then after work you have to head straight to a parent teacher conference.

Then, naturally, it’s soccer practice for your child. Then you take a breath at the end of the day and say, “Wow, that wasn’t too bad. Tomorrow’s going to be busy!” With so many other important things to do in your day, it can seem virtually impossible to fit any time in for exercise. Exercise requires a little bit of free time and free time is a luxury that you have a very limited amount of.

According to this weblink, there is a method of getting in a good exercise routine without ever even having to leave your office. In fact, you can do it right at your desk. This is a short exercise plan that can be done with just your desk and chair. It’s not the kind of thing that will make you a fitness guru but it will help you stay healthy while keeping your muscles toned.

You’re going to want to complete each exercise in this order with a total of 10-20 repetitions for each. After completing it all the way through, you’re going to want to repeat it one or two more times if you have the time.

Chair crunch:
Sit with your back against the back of the chair. Give yourself good posture and keep your feet flat. Slowly lower your upper back towards your knees while keeping your lower back and everything else in place. When you feel your abs tighten you can hold that position for 5 seconds. Then slowly return to the start.

Get out of your chair and stand in front of it. Start to move your body as if you’re going to sit down. Aim to keep your knees in front of your toes and the majority of your weight on your heels. Right before you’re completely sitting in your chair, you want to reverse that motion back into standing.

Calf raise:
Use a table or desk to help you balance during this exercise. Slowly lift your body onto your toes. Stay on your toes for around 5 seconds before slowly lowering yourself down to the starting position.

Desk pushups:
Place your hands along the edge of a desk or table and take a few steps back. Keep your lower body relaxed during this movement. Use your arms to slowly lower your body and specifically your chest towards the desk. When your chest is about a half a foot from the desk you can push yourself back to the starting position.

Seated triceps lift back:
You can get back in your chair for this one. Sit with good posture. Let your arms go down to your sides and get the inside of the hand facing forward. Keep your arms straight out. Make sure you have locked elbows. Lift your arms backwards until you begin to feel the tightening. Stay in that position for 5 seconds and return your arms where they started.

Seated bicep curl:
You can stay seated for this one. Again, focus on good posture. Keep a single arm to the side of you with your palms in the same direction as before but keep the hand closed. Use your other arms to push down as you slowly lift it towards your upper body. As it reaches the top begin to lower it again. Make sure to continue pressing down with your other hand. Complete all the reps for each individual arm.

office exercise routine
Yoga in the office anyone?

After completing all the repetitions of each exercise you’re going to want to repeat that process two or three more times. After those you’re going to want to stand up and stretch towards your toes as far as you can reach. Hold that for 10 seconds. Make sure not to strain or bounce. Then lift yourself back up. Then reach with your arms sideways as if you’re trying to stretch them. Hold the farthest position you can reach before putting them back. The last stretch you’re going to want to do is to reach into the sky and hold that position for its own 10 seconds. Then you’re all done with the workout.

You can do a simple and powerful exercise routine like this right from your own office to keep your muscles toned and healthy even if your schedule doesn’t seem to permit it. You can even fit it in during your lunch break while still having some time to fit in a healthy meal.

Have fun with your exercise.

Author: Tsvetan Petrov, owner and contributor of Get Holistic Health blog.


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Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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